Foodtruckie Nation

iOS mobile application that tracks gourmet food trucks in Los Angeles using live geolocation services. The app is the very first of its kind to accurately show hungry users where food trucks are located in relation to them, along with information on each food truck’s menu, contact information, food photos, and most importantly, driving directions to them.

Foodtruckie Nation Foodtruckie Nation

Skills + Technology

Foodtruckie Nation is a beautiful integration of Rest APIs, mobile design, and realtime technology.

Rest APIs

To achieve realtime updates to our data, we used the Rest API, Firebase. Firebase provided the tools to make key features work properly. Key features include live geolocation and status updates of the foodtrucks.


Big data, bug crashes, and feature usage is important to improve our apps. We used Firebase Analytics to determine view times and feature usage.

UI/UX Design

It's important to follow the designer's mock-ups, I make the designer's dream become reality.

Location Tracking

I have experience with live location tracking using the framework Geofire.


The Swift programming language was used to build FTN.


I built the CRUD server functions for the Foodtruck's menu and edit menu views. This was before we upgraded to Firebase


Instead of a model, view, controller design implemented in Drew's List, we switched over to a singleton system of managers.


These frameworks are included on the podfile of the xcode projects. These pods make my code so much better and way cleaner!


A powerful input-agnostic swift logging framework made to speed up development with maximum readability.


Dynamically create, format, and position UI. Theory of programmically creating the UI and not rely on storyboards.


Extension of the Toucan pod to easily call images from the server and format them properly.


Uses Firebase to make positional tracking realtime.