Step in a virtual reality experience that brings the rave to you. Get lost in the bright lights of PLUR - we're giving you the power to control the stage lights to some awesome music.

Documentary of the creation of PLUR VR by Colburn Junus aka Croki

Skills + Technology

PLUR VR is a virtual reality project collaborated with Blast Zone Studios and TotemV. This is the first virtual reality project I worked with.

Oculus Rift

The Oculus Rift was the hardware used for the virtual reality experience. Still waiting for the those Oculus Touches so we can start playing with those lights...

Unity 3D

The 3D environment was built using the Unity game engine.


I played around with multithreading using Unity's Coroutines. This is important for light control since there is so much parallel activity happening.

Music AI

I fused Bermuda's music logic system with the light control to procedurally generate a light show to any song you play on stage.

R n D

Research and development is important to grasp the real life experience, especially when you're trying to create an immersive virtual reality game. The team and I actually go to music festivals and study how light show engineers use their tools.


Majority of the experience was built using the scripting language C#.


These frameworks magnified the potential of PLUR VR with music logic and visual effects.


The music logic system that was made to detect bpm, what stage of the song it was in, when the drop hits, etc. The lights are controlled by Bermuda for when the player doesn't want be the light show engineer and just wants to enjoy the show.

Ultimate Bloom

Unity camera effects to make the visual experience more epic and realistic.